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Blog - Voices From the Bush

Mel Curtis from Warrnambool in Victoria

Mel Curtis from Warrnambool in Victoria

While there is certainly never a good time for a global pandemic – 2020 was definitely not the year to require me to stay at home. Firstly my partner and I were ready to head off on six months of long service leave around the top of Australia. We were looking forward to missing out on a cold Warrnambool winter but now have to unpack the jumpers and beanies again! 

Secondly – and this makes me particularly sad for my mum and my sister – I became an aunt for the first time. My sister had a little boy and after patiently waiting (well not always so patiently) my mum finally became a grandma. Unfortunately, though we have had to make do with lots of pictures and the knowledge he is growing each day and doing well.  

Having said all that I am exceptionally lucky in that I can continue my job from home – and have company as my partner can also do this. For me it’s about my perspective – I can go on holidays again, my nephew is young and won’t remember this time.  My parents are learning how to use their computer to see their grandson and also order groceries online – so new skills are being acquired. And my two Jack Russell’s (Scout and Archie) are loving having us at home and getting walked at lunchtime – and sometimes again at night! I am one of the lucky ones and I know it. My advice is to look out for those that maybe aren’t so lucky this time around.


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