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Australian Gender Equality Council

Responding to the unacceptably slow pace of change towards gender equality in Australia, leading organizations, which represent over 500,000 women in the workplace, have come together to form the Australian Gender Equality Council (AGEC), a national not-for-profit charitable organisation.


Australian Women In Wine

Australian Women In Wine exists to champion the work of women in Austrian wine community and to advocate for gender equality across the sector.


COTA Australia (Council of Older Australians)

COTA Australia’s role is to promote, improve and protect the wellbeing of older people in Australia as citizens and consumers. It seeks to be recognised by government, the general community and media as representing, advocating for and serving all older Australians.


Country Women’s Association of NSW

The CWA of NSW is one of the largest women's organisation in Australia and aims to improve conditions for country women and children. We reach that aim in various ways including lobbying for change, helping the local community, creating a network of support and meeting together in towns and cities.

CWA of NSW is a member the international organisation Associated Country Women of the World, thought this organisation, supports rural women world-wide. Women from the country and the city in NSW and the ACT meet together to connect with others in their local area, fundraise and help set policies which are lobbied for at a state & federal level. Members also enjoy cooking, handicraft, art and creative writing competitions as well as teaching skills to others.


Diversity Council Australia

Diversity Council Australia is the independent not-for-profit peak body leading diversity and inclusion in the workplace across Australia. We currently have over 1,300 member organisations employing over 2 million Australians - almost 20% of the national workforce. We conduct research, produce evidence-based practical resources, events and advocacy, working with our members for a more inclusive, diverse and equitable Australia.


National Older Women's Network

National Older Women's Network - promoting the rights, dignity and wellbeing of women as they age.


National Regional, Rural, Remote and Very Remote Community Legal Network

The 4Rs Network is a network of non-profit legal services in 4Rs areas which provide legal and related assistance via an incorporated non-profit structure or auspicing arrangement.


Queensland Rural, Regional and Remote Women’s Network

For 30 years, RRR Women has been connecting, developing and inspiring rural, regional and remote Queensland Women. We support womens' capacity through education, to overcome adversity, leadership and participate in decision-making. Fundamental to our purpose is supporting rural, regional and remote Queensland women using our networks to reach these women, and build their capacity through:

  • Connection; creating inclusive safe environments and providing capacity building programs.
  • Networking; connecting RRR women with individuals, businesses, government and organisations.
  • Inspiration; inspiring RRR women to realise their potential, be influential, contribute and share their stories.


Settlement Services International (SSI)

SSI is a community organisation and social business that supports newcomers and other Australians to achieve their full potential. We work with people who have experienced vulnerability, including refugees, people seeking asylum, and culturally and linguistically diverse (CALD) communities, to build capacity and enable them to overcome inequality. SSI delivers services in regional Australia, particularly Coffs Harbour and Armidale. It settles newcomers into regional areas if they are interested due to better employment prospects or because they themselves have come from a more rural area from their country of origin. SSI is proud of its achievements towards equality for women, it has women and girls strategic plan and an FDSV framework to guide the organisation’s response to FDSV.


Tasmanian Junior BeeKeepers

The Tasmanian Junior Beekeeping Group was established in 2017. The group is located in Richmond and is open to 7 to 17 year olds who are curious about bees and beekeeping.


The Parenthood

The Parenthood is a national, not-for-profit advocacy organisation which campaigns for parents and carers all across Australia. We seek reform in three key policy areas: Paid Parental Leave, Early Childhood Education and Care, and flexible workplaces.



Wesnet is the national peak body for specialist women's domestic and family violence services, as well as the leading Australian NGO expert in technology safety. Wesnet has almost 350 eligible members across Australia comprising a range of organisations and individuals including women’s refuges, shelters, safe houses, and information/referral services. Our membership base enables us to draw from and harness a rich seam of experience and expertise to provide advice to government and other organisations on a range of issues that impact our members and, more generally, women, non-binary, and gender diverse people. As well as supporting our members, we also provide direct relief and support to women and children experiencing domestic and family violence, intimate partner violence and other forms of gender-based violence, through various programs and activities.


WIRE (Women’s Information and Referral Exchange)

We are a proud intersectional feminist organisation, and we are committed to creating a fair society for all women and gender diverse people. Through the provision of support services, including a free statewide telephone, and online information and support line, our professional training, our consultancy and Knowledge Centre, our broad reaching community initiatives and our ongoing advocacy, WIRE has been at the forefront of sparking change for 40 years.


Women’s Advocacy Group Norfolk Island

Formed in 2014, the Women’s Advocacy Group, Norfolk Island (WAGNI) is a small group of very passionate women and girls based on a tiny outcropping in the middle of the Pacific Ocean. Our activities promote gender equality, social justice, respect, and the dissemination of relevant and timely information as well as enabling local women to have a voice and play a key role in decision making, be it for themselves, their family, or their community. WAGNI has authored numerous submissions and actively participated in community consultations and reports as well as provided relevant grass roots information sessions to assist, advocate and promote inclusive, innovative change that benefits our community and future generations.


Women in Adult & Vocational Education

WAVE is a national network of women involved in VET, adult education and the broad field of work-related education and training. WAVE provides seminars & workshops, research, policy advocacy and advice, as well as networking on an international, national and state basis. We are supported within each state by local representation that in turn contributes collaboratively to national events and governance. WAVE was formed in 1985, the first and only national and autonomous non-government organisation for Australian women in the adult, community and vocational education and training sector.


WIBBS – Women Inspiring Better Business

WIBB is a not for profit organisation with the aim of creating a supportive network that strengthens relationships by uniting and inspiring women in business.

WIBB encourage women from all walks of life and all occupations - from business owners to homemakers, to come together to build networks and personal connections for the benefit of all women.



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ACN: 151 707 158

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