The National Rural Women’s Coalition is the largest organisation in Australia focussed on the issues of rural, regional, and remote women, girls, and their communities.
We provide a unique rural, regional & remote lens on information to Government, industry, and other stakeholders as part of our advocacy to improve gender equality and ensure that women living in rural, regional & remote Australia are a part of decision making on all levels. With strong focuses on women’s leadership, health & communications along with long term economic security, workforce participation and women’s safety.
The National Rural Women’s Coalition builds capacity in women living in rural, regional, and remote Australia through a broad range of programs and webinars. We work to acknowledge and celebrate the wonderful diversity that is the cohort of RRR women by breaking down stereotypes, promoting positive and inclusive profiles of rural women living and working and doing the ordinary to the extraordinary.
As women, living in rural regional & remote Australia the National Rural Women’s Coalition team have the lived experience of living and working in regional and rural towns and in remote places, including Australian islands and oceans. Through our member organisations and individuals, volunteers and organisational networks we are able to engage with women, girls, and their communities at grassroot level and to exchange vital information, influence and educate.
Are you between 18 - 30?
Expressions of interest to join NRWC Young, Rural, Regional Remote Advisory Panel
Rural Regional & Remote Older Women’s Advocacy Group (RRROWAG)
The National Rural Women’s Coalition’s Rural Regional and Remote Women’s Older Women’s Advocacy Group (RRROWAG) is a volunteer group of women, 55+ years ensuring the voices and experiences of this cohort is included in its work.
The National Rural Women’s Coalition’s eLeader programs develop confidence, leadership and resilience and in women in rural, regional and remote settings.
The National Rural Women’s Coalition is committed to providing capacity building opportunities for women and girls living in rural, regional and remote Australia as we work towards gender equality.
Representing a broad range
Including women in regional towns, women in primary production, professional and businesswomen, socially and intellectually isolated women, indigenous women, young women, elderly women, and community volunteers, the NRWC presents initiatives throughout the year that help women achieve success by building dreams together through a shared trust and respect.
The NRWC provides initiatives such as leadership programs, forums, meetings, conferences, round-tables and webinars as well as other digital communication platforms such as social media to communicate with women throughout Australia.
It brings women together who are sometimes thousands of miles apart geographically and whilst distance is a barrier, these women have so many similar attributes in their personal lives and professional aspirations. Technology enables the NRWC to continue to deliver exceptional programs to enhance the skills of these rural, regional and remote women.