Women in Seafood Australasia
Women in Seafood Australasia is the only national organisation in Australia representing the interests of women involved or associated with the Australian seafood industry.
Women in Seafood Australasia aims to recognise and enhance the skills of seafood women; develop effective partnerships with government agencies and other industry stakeholders and provide community education on all aspects of the seafood industry. Women in Seafood Australasia works with regional development task forces, peak fishing industry bodies, research providers, industry development boards, and associations and rural affairs units.
We have developed partnerships with Commonwealth/ State/Territory government and peak industry bodies and associations and other national women’s organisations. Seafood women of Women in Seafood Australasia are also making their presence felt with their input into government plans and policies at state and national levels. WINSC is a vital link for industry and government to work as one and move the seafood industry of Australia forward into an international producer, harvesting and producing safe, quality seafood products.
Further information about Women in Seafood Australasia can be found at www.womeninseafood.org.au.